EM Poul
Legal & Social work/ Child Protection Consultant
Contact Information
Tel: (855)23 883 885H/P: (855)12 917 398/(855)87 445 796
Em Poul hold Bachelor degree in law and Master degree in law, field of Public Administration and many long term and short term training on Organizational Management, project management, professional and management social services and social works and others.Em Poul has more than 6 years experiences of working with, United Nations Agencies such as UNDP, UNCEF and more 10 years with other International and national NGOs in the field of Social work/Child protection, Social Development and Early Childhood Education.
Master Degree of Law, major in Public Administration, Royal University of Law and Economy
November 2009- June 2012November 2009- June 2012 Master Degree of Law, major in Public Administration, Royal University of Law and Economy Course Subjects Administration of Territory, World Trade Organization (TWO), Public Function Law Asian, Public Service law, International Criminal Law, Public policy. Theory of State, Public Accounting, Administrative System in ASEAN, Administrative Disputes, Political Economy, Sustainable Development Law, Constitutional Law in Comparative Perspective, Law on Public Property, Public Human Resource Management, Administrative System in Southeast Asia, Legal Method and rules of interpretation, History of Khmer law, Law on Land- Management and Urbanization, Leadership Principle for Public Management, Political thoughts, World Legal System, Taxation, Law on the Sea, Legal Research Methodology.
Bachelor Degree of law, Build Bright University, Cambodia;
November 2005-June 2009Course subjects: Public Administrative, Economic, Introduction to Law, Basic Computer, Environment, Khmer Study, General Principle of Civil Law, Philosophy; General Administrative Law, Civil Law/ Civil procedure, Criminal law and procedure, Constitutional Law, Institution History of International-Relation, Legal Methodology and Research, Juridical Institution in Cambodia, Core English, Public International Law, International Private Law, Obligation law, Human Right Law, Special Criminal Law, Labor, History of Political ideas, Family Patrimony Law, Banking Law Commercial law, Civil Service Law, Legal terminology, Criminology, Budgetary and Fiscal Law, Public Liberty Law, Research -methodology, Special Contract Law, Intellectual Property Law, Private International-Law, International Commercial Law, Business Law, Public Function Law
ROYAL UNIVERSITY of PHNOM PENH, Associate Degree in French
October 1988-July 2001Trainings
Certificate of Organizational Management (874 hours) June 2008-July 2011: PANNASASTRA UNIVERSITY OF CAMBODIA, Funded by European Commission
June 2008-July 2011Course titles: - Human Resource Management, Performance Management, Leadership and Management, Management of Change, Project Management, Technical business writing, Budgeting planning and Management, Strategic Planning and Development, Organizational Behavior and theory management, Organizational Development, Total Quality Management, Organizational Culture, Introduction to Cultural and anthropology, Introduction to logic and critical thinking • Certificate of social work training (7 h/Month) August 2005-November 2006, funded by ANESVAD, trained by Neal Newfield, PhD, Susane Newfield, PhD, Phuong Tran, PhD, James Keim, MSW and Chadra Chap, MSW, from West Virginia University, USA • Certificate in Management of Social Service (MSS) Technical School of Ministry of Social Affairs, Veteran and Youth Rehabilitation, supported by UNICEF (40hours/Month) (July 2014-April 2006). Child Development, Child Protection, Community Development, Researches, Project Design and Development, Problem solving, Strategic Planning, Legal protection, laws related to social affairs and child welfare, role andduties of social workers, Alternative Care for Children, domestic and inter-country adoption, Child mental health. • Certificate of Project Management, Singapore International Institute, (August - November 2005). • Certificate of Professional Social Service Organized by MoSVY and supported by UNICEF (40hours/Month) • Certificate of General English Program, Australia Center for Education (ACE)